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Do you have what it takes to publish your children's book?  

Imagine waking up and seeing that you sold another book while you were sleeping or getting an email from someone about how your book changed their life in some way...or even seeing that someone posted on their Instagram a picture of them reading your book....that is the beauty of publishing your own children's book and selling it online.

Your words making a positive impact on someone else.



Find out exactly what it takes to publish your children's book.


Discover a way to turn your passion into a real book.


Learn how you can get your book illustrated and published so you can start selling your book online.

Publishing Your Children's Book and Selling It Online May Sound Impossible


especially when you've tried to get published the traditional way...


Submitting your manuscript to a whole bunch of agents hoping one of them will pick your book, only to receive rejection after rejection...


Or Worse Yet...


Having a bajillion children's stories just begging to be finished, but are just collecting dust because you don't know how to get them illustrated or writer's block is stopping you from fulfilling your dream.




🌟I've got something to tell you🌟


I have written and published over 50 books in the past 4 years, and as a single mom, homeschooling 5 kids, I can honestly say it is possible.


It's not a pipe dream...and despite what people in the industry may say...


❌  you don't have to be a professional to do this.

❌ you don't need to be good at drawing

❌  you don't need a lot of money to do this

❌  you don't need a lot of "time" to do this




❌  you don't even need to be an "amazing" writer


You Know What You DO Need?


 ✅  a clear path




✅  a desire to do something about it...


For the past 4 years I have written and published 56 books


for my family and friends and have been collecting passive income from the books I've created once and have helped others to create. Not really doing anything...


Just creating books in my free time...fitting it in the margins of my life...


This...this is something teachers, parents, and homeschoolers can do to easily give their income a boost...


All while teaching or raising children and doing life.


Even while they sleep.


Now, I'm Not Saying You Are Going To Replace Your Current Income...


Especially not overnight.


But what I am saying is that you will be given the tools to help you boost your income with books that are setup to sell on autopilot...


Giving you the freedom to make a positive impact on the people who read your stories AND your pocket book... 


 This is not a get rich quick scheme...this is a create it once and set it up in such a way to create sales for you while you sleep type of thing.


Creating a book once and letting it sell on auto pilot is something that is easy and something that even you can do to boost your income in a passive way.


Believe me...


It never gets old when I wake up to find that another book sold.


Joime today!

Have a book you wrote in college and it's just collecting dust in your closet? Maybe now's the time to finally publish it...

Let's Publish Your Book Together